
From practical experience

Let us assume that you are the boss of a medium-sized company with a managerial position to fill. As it is an important post in the company you want to do everything properly. After all, you know from experience what a “mess” the wrong person in a key position can make...

So it is better for us to get together for me to analyze exactly what you need. Together we build up a picture of the job-specific requirements and the personal qualities the future member of staff should possess. On this basis I carry out the tests and obtain focused results.

My scientifically recognized, proven test procedures also reveal the candidate’s talents above and beyond the purely job-specific assessment. Thus the candidate’s motivation as well as his or her intelligence is recognized. Only in this way do I find for you the candidate with the right job-specific qualifications who has a great deal of initial potential and will develop this even further in the future in your company.